Food Scraps : Late Post

This week has been an interesting week personally so there haven’t been much meals that I cooked worth posting. For the most part I just threw things together. There were at least two nights when I didn’t eat dinner or I ate So Delicious ice scream.


Totally forgot that I grilled this super sweet piece of pineapple. Usually I stay away from cooked fruits but I said what they hey, YOLO.


Those buffalo cauliflower were really spicy. I think I’ll start making buffalo sauce from scratch and save my chest and mouth the slow burn. I’m a wimp when it comes to spicy foods.

Some time in June I made vegan duff and had leftover dough and duff sauce that I kept frozen in my freezer. I decided to make a hybrid of coconut and guava duff because I didn’t have anymore actual guavas and I wasn’t about to hunt them down. Its pretty good actually. Still have a few slices left that I’ll probably eat tonight with the sweet potatoes I’m currently baking. I’ll just throw some hummus on there and figure out what to do with the zucchini in the fridge. To Pinterest I go!


What I threw together….

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